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Breeding Field Crops by John Milton Poehlman | Download

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Book Review

Abstract Summary

"Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman, a renowned figure in breeding, is a comprehensive textbook designed for students, researchers, and practitioners in crop breeding and agricultural sciences. The third edition of this seminal work, updated to reflect the latest advancements and methodologies in the field, is a testament to Poehlman's extensive experience and deep understanding of the subject. His detailed and systematic guide to the principles and practices of breeding various field crops is a valuable resource for anyone in the field.

The book, spanning various topics from basic genetic principles to advanced breeding techniques, is not just a theoretical guide but a practical tool for breeders. It has significantly contributed to breeding by consolidating information into a single, accessible volume, as seen in the earlier editions. The intended audience, including undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in crop breeding and genetic research, will find the book's thoroughness and clarity beneficial, even if some readers might find the technical detail challenging.

Chapter Summaries

  1. Introduction to Crop Breeding

    • Overview of the history and significance of crop breeding.
    • Introduction to basic genetic concepts.
    • Importance of crop breeding for global food security.
    • Key takeaway: Crop breeding is essential for improving crop yield, quality, and resilience.
  2. Genetic Principles in Crop Breeding

    • Mendelian genetics and inheritance patterns.
    • Genetic variation and its sources.
    • Notable quote: "Genetic diversity is the cornerstone of crop improvement."
    • Key takeaway: Understanding genetic principles is fundamental to practical crop breeding.
  3. Breeding Methods

    • Conventional breeding methods: mass selection, pure-line selection, and hybridization.
    • Modern techniques: marker-assisted selection, genetic engineering.
    • Key takeaway: Combining traditional and contemporary methods can optimize breeding outcomes.
  4. Selection and Evaluation

    • Criteria for selecting parent plants.
    • Field evaluation techniques and statistical analysis.
    • Key takeaway: Rigorous selection and evaluation are crucial for identifying superior cultivars.
  5. Breeding for Disease and Pest Resistance

    • Strategies for developing disease-resistant crops.
    • Case studies of successful resistance breeding.
    • Key takeaway: Enhancing disease and pest resistance is vital for crop sustainability.
  6. Breeding for Environmental Stress Tolerance

    • Approaches to improve tolerance to drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures.
    • Key takeaway: Stress tolerance breeding ensures crop survival and productivity under adverse conditions.
  7. Breeding for Quality Traits

    • Improving the nutritional, processing, and market quality of crops.
    • Key takeaway: Quality traits are as important as yield in crop breeding.
  8. Modern Biotechnological Approaches

    • Use of genetic modification and CRISPR technology in crop breeding.
    • Key takeaway: Biotechnology offers powerful tools for precise and rapid crop improvement.
  9. Case Studies in Crop Breeding

    • Detailed examples of breeding programs for major crops like wheat, rice, and maize.
    • Key takeaway: Real-world examples illustrate the application of breeding principles.
  10. Future Directions in Crop Breeding

    • Emerging trends and future challenges.
    • Key takeaway: Continuous Innovation and research are essential to meet future agricultural demands.

Key Learnings

Key Learning Real-Life Application Similar Concepts Simplified Explanation: A broad overview of complex topics for better understanding. Critical Question

Counterargument/ Critique

1. Genetic diversity is crucial Enhancing crop resilience Biodiversity Genetic variety aids adaptation How to balance genetic diversity and uniformity? Overemphasis on diversity may reduce specific trait optimization.
2. Use of modern breeding techniques Speeding up breeding processes Biotech in agriculture Combining old and new methods improves results Are modern techniques sustainable? Ethical concerns about GMOs
3. Importance of disease resistance Reducing crop losses Integrated pest management techniques used by the plant breeder Breeding-resistant varieties prevent disease spread How to address resistance evolution? Resistance breeding can be time-consuming.
4. Stress tolerance breeding Coping with climate change Climate-resilient agriculture Making crops survive harsh conditions with advances in plant breeding What stress factors should be prioritized? Potential trade-offs with other traits
5. Evaluation and selection Ensuring high-quality crops Quality control Systematic testing for best traits How to streamline evaluation processes? High costs and labor intensity
6. Biotechnology in crop breeding and advances in plant breeding Developing high-yield crops Genetic engineering Direct manipulation of genes What are the long-term impacts? Uncertain ecological effects
7. Crop quality improvement Meeting consumer demands Food quality standards Enhancing nutritional and market value How to balance yield and quality? Quality traits may complicate breeding efforts.
8. Field evaluation techniques Validating breeding success Experimental design Accurate field tests confirm the results How to manage variability in field conditions? Field trials are resource-intensive
9. Breeding program case studies Learning from successful examples Best practices in agriculture Real-world applications of theories What factors led to their success? Case-specific insights may not be generalizable.
10. Future trends in crop breeding Anticipating future challenges Innovation in agriculture Keeping up with evolving needs How to stay ahead of emerging issues in the science of plant breeding? Predictions may not always materialize.



  • Comprehensive Coverage: The book covers many topics essential for understanding and practicing crop breeding.
  • Integration of Modern Techniques: It effectively combines traditional methods with technological advancements.
  • Practical Examples: Real-world case studies provide valuable insights and applications of theoretical concepts.


  • Technical Complexity: The level of detail may be overwhelming for beginners or those without a strong background in genetics.
  • Dense Text: Some sections are densely packed with information, which can be challenging to digest.

Comparison to Other Works: While other texts in the field, such as 'Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding' by George Acquaah, provide a strong foundation, Poehlman's book stands out for its unique blend of traditional and modern techniques.  It may not be as profoundly into genetic engineering as specialized texts like 'Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Crop Plants' by C. Kole. Still, its comprehensive coverage and practical approach make it a valuable resource for all levels of readers.

Possible Improvements:

  • Enhanced Visuals: More diagrams and visual aids could help explain complex concepts.
  • Supplemental Materials: Providing online resources or companion materials for students and instructors could enhance learning.

Speculation on Long-Term Influence: Given its comprehensive nature and the integration of modern breeding techniques, "Breeding Field Crops" will likely remain an essential reference in breeding. Its influence will continue as long as crop breeding remains a critical area of research and application in ensuring global food security.

Other Books

  1. Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding" by George Acquaah

    • Rationale: Provides a strong foundational understanding of genetics and breeding.
    • Unique Selling Point: Provides a broad overview of the subject. A comprehensive introduction to both traditional and modern techniques.
  2. "Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Crop Plants" by C. Kole

    • Rationale: Focuses on the latest advancements in genetic engineering and development.
    • Unique Selling Point: In-depth coverage of genomic techniques.
  3. "Plant Breeding: Principles and Practices" by Neal C. Stoskopf

    • Rationale: Classic text offering a historical perspective and foundational principles, including earlier editions.
    • Unique Selling Point: Balances theory and practical breeding methods.
  4. "Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement" by Ram J. Singh

    • Rationale: Emphasizes the importance of genetic resources in crop improvement.
    • Unique Selling Point: Detailed discussion on chromosome engineering and its applications.
  5. "Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba" by Fernando Funes

    • Rationale: Offers an alternative perspective on sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.
    • Unique Selling Point: A case study of Cuba's innovative approaches to sustainable agriculture.

Why  Should You Buy It

"Breeding Field Crops" is an essential resource for anyone involved in breeding, whether students, researchers, or breeders. Its comprehensive coverage of fundamental principles and cutting-edge techniques makes it an invaluable reference for understanding and advancing crop breeding practices. The book's detailed case studies and practical examples provide real-world applications of theoretical knowledge, making complex concepts accessible and relevant. Moreover, integrating traditional breeding methods with modern biotechnological approaches equips readers with a holistic view of the field, which is essential for addressing current and future agricultural challenges.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the book "Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman about?

 The book "Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman, now in its 3rd edition, deals with worldwide advances in plant breeding science and practice. It thoroughly covers the field of plant breeding for years to come.

Who is the author of "Breeding Field Crops"?

The author of "Breeding Field Crops" is John Milton Poehlman.

What specific topics are covered in the book "Breeding Field Crops"?

The book covers breeding field crops, forage, worldwide advances in plant breeding, and developing new crop cultivars.

What is the significance of the 3rd edition of "Breeding Field Crops"?

The 5th edition of "Breeding Field Crops" is the latest edition of this venerable text which has been a cornerstone in the field of plant breeding for years.

Are there any co-authors of "Breeding Field Crops"?

Charles Edwin Sleeper (Sleper) is also a co-author of "Breeding Field Crops."

What can readers expect from the book "Breeding Field Crops" regarding plant breeding science?

Readers can expect to learn about worldwide advances in plant breeding science and the practical aspects of breeding new crop cultivars.

Where can I find the customer reviews for "Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman?

Customer reviews for "Breeding Field Crops" can be found online in our store and on platforms selling the book.

What is the book "Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman about?

"Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman, also known as the book's 3rd edition, deals with worldwide advances in plant breeding science and practice. It thoroughly covers the field of plant breeding for years to come.

Who is John Milton Poehlman?

John Milton Poehlman is the author of "Breeding Field Crops" and is a respected figure in plant breeding.

What is new in the latest edition of "Breeding Field Crops" by Poehlman?

The latest edition of "Breeding Field Crops" by Poehlman, also known as the fifth edition, includes the development of new crop cultivars and incorporates the most recent advances in plant breeding.

What does the book cover in terms of content?

"Breeding Field Crops" covers a wide range of topics related to plant breeding, including worldwide advances in the field, the development of new crop cultivars, and the fundamental principles of plant breeding science and practice.

Who is Sleper, and how is he related to the book?

Sleper is likely a co-author or contributor to the book "Breeding Field Crops" by John Milton Poehlman, providing additional expertise in plant breeding.

What can readers expect to find in the "Breeding Field Crops" table of contents"?

The table of contents of "Breeding Field Crops" will outline the different chapters and topics covered in the book, providing a detailed overview of the content included.

Are customer reviews available for "Breeding Field Crops" by Poehlman?

Customer reviews for "Breeding Field Crops" by Poehlman can provide valuable insights into the usefulness and quality of the book, helping potential readers make informed decisions.

How long has "Breeding Field Crops" been a staple in plant breeding?

"Breeding Field Crops" has been a respected and authoritative text in plant breeding for many years, making it a trusted resource for researchers, students, and professionals.

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